Our Toy Cupboard
Golden Ball - made in Sept This month we made Golden Balls with wool from the beautiful Custom Wooden Mill using the wet felting method. Wet felting is a wonderful way for children to get used to different sensory stimulation, it is a slow craft so they can experience shift in the results of their time spent on the craft and it helps them practice dexterity and experience hand eye coordination. And we come out with a golden ball! I like to wrap around a used tennis ball (the ones we used I found on the side of the road, so very eco friendly). The Frog Prince and The Garden of Light are just a few stories that go with this image of The Golden Ball to inspire play in your child's life. This last story is found in a wonderful book called Healing Stories for Challenging Behaviour available in the Victoria Waldorf Library - let me know if you'd like more details.
Golden PillowThese were made with the help of the Father Sun and Miss Marigold with a simple and safe Solar Dying Method. A lovely slow method that the children can watch and wait for it to happen. This Golden colour sends them ideas of light and strengthens their spirit for the dark days ahead and maybe sends a little light into their dreams as well.
Dragon Puppet - made in Sept and OctSewing is calming even for the busiest child. Their focus and pride in each tiny step is felt deeply. It prepares them to focus, use hand eye coordination, take pride and patience in their work and build up self regulation....nothing like a pointy needle to make you go slow! It is also a very portable activity. Forget screen time try sew time!! And for a good dragon story well one does not have to look far.
Suggestions of Environmental GroupsPlease support one of these local environmental groups, or one of many others, trying to make a difference for our precious planet.
David Suzuki Foundation Dogwoodbc Ancient Rainforest Alliance Pacific Wild With deep gratitude, the Tree of Life Playschool Educators, Parents and Children! |